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My Account
22 articles
Frequently Asked Questions - SIPC
What is a Trusted Contact?
What are inactivity fees?
How can I close my account?
How do I update my phone number, email, or information?If you recently changed phone numbers, your email or your address, here is where to update your information.
Where do I find my account documents?Find your trade confirmations, statements and tax documents.
How Do I View My E-Confirm Documents Online?How to Log In to Apex + View Documents Online.
I need to connect to Mint.
How safe is my money? (SIPC)Short answer: super safe.
How do I keep my account secure?
Why is My Account Out of Sync?Loading...
How Do I Enable Biometric Authentication?Security is important. Keep your account safe and secure.
How do I reset my password?
What is Buying Power?
Where do I find my account number?
Can I add a beneficiary?
How do I update my mailing address?
Why does my account have a negative balance?
Protecting your accountIn the event of unauthorized use, we have resources for you.
Can I have more than one account at Public?
Losing a loved one
How do I connect my Public account to other apps?